Academic Participation

Gender and Climate Justice at the 31st Anzil Conference (3 - 5 July 2024)

Prof. Fornalé had the privilege to present the GEM and Spark Project on Climate Justice at the 31st Annual Conference (3 July - 5 July 2024) International Law: Crisis, Conflict and Cooperation. All participants at the 31st ANZSIL Annual Conference were invited to consider the impact of periods of crises on the development of international law and institutions, and whether the focus on crises has led to conflicts, or renewed cooperation, within the discipline.

Additional info are available here.

Regional Consultation on the elaboration of CEDAW General Recommendation No. 40 on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems for Eastern European States and Western European and other States (25 - 26 March 2024)

Prof. Fornalé has been invited to take part to the Regional Consultation on the elaboration of CEDAW General Recommendation No. 40 on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems for Eastern European States and Western European and other States. Prof. Fornalé gave a presentation on ‘Unlocking the Transformative Potential of the Gender-Economics Nexus to Enhance Women’s Participation’. The meeting took place in Istanbul, Turkey (25-26 March). The meeting has been organized with the support of the Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), UN Women, and the CEDAW Committee to provide an interactive forum for Civil Society Organizations, UN agencies and other experts to inform the draft text of GR 40 and ensure it is responsive to the priorities and needs of different regions in relation to overcoming challenges and paving the way for and sustaining women’s equal and inclusive representation in decision-making systems.

Promoting Equal and Inclusive Representation of Women in Decision-Making Systems: A Holistic Approach to Economic Empowerment (26 February 2024)

26 February 2024, with GQUAL and the Institute of International Relations of Prague, the WTI held a conference on “Promoting Equal and Inclusive Representation of Women in Decision-Making Systems A Holistic Approach to Economic Empowerment”.
With a strong focus on gender equality and women’s empowerment, participants came from a wide range of backgrounds such as CEDAW, international organisations, the private sector, research, legal and policy fields. During the conference, participants had the chance to gain deeper insight into the CEDAW’s Draft General Recommendation on Equal and Inclusive Representation of Women in Decision Making Systems.

Expert consultation: Perspectives on CEDAW´s future General Recomendation No 40 (25 - 29 September 2023)

The week from 25 to 29 September, the GQUAL Campaign hosted a thematic expert consultation at the American University Washington College of Law in Washington D.C. to inform the drafting process of the UN CEDAW Committee’s future General Recommendation 40 on women’s equal and inclusive participation in decision-making systems, together with Academy of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and American University Washington College of Law, and in collaboration with the CEDAW Committee. SNSF Professor Dr. Elisa Fornalé participated in the expert consultation that brought together more than 40 global leaders from critical fields - including international and human rights law, peace and security, humanitarianism, foreign policy and diplomacy, international trade and arbitration, among others - to discuss key issues, norms and practices. aspects of women's right to equal and inclusive participation in international representation and decision-making.

Book launch "Making trade work for women: key learnings from the World Trade Congress on Gender" (15 September 2023)

SNSF Prof. Elisa Fornalé, member of the WTI faculty, is one of the authors of the WTO’s book on Making Trade Work for Women was officially launched at the WTO Public Forum on 15 September 2023.
About the book

The Promise of Women’s Equal Representation and Participation in International Decision-Making(12 July 2023)

SNSF Professor Dr. Elisa Fornalé co-organised with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (TBC) and GQUAL Campaign the SIDE EVENT – 53rd Session of the Human Rights Council entitled "The Promise of Women’s Equal Representation and Participation in International Decision-Making" that took place on 12 July 2023 at Room XXIV, Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Meeting of Mediterranean territories for climate action(22 - 23 June 2023)

To support the process of combating climate change, integrated strategies have been put in place at the basin level. The Mediterranean area has a wealth of actors active in the fight against climate change and likely to support the implementation of the NDCs but also to increase the ambition of climate action. The SNSF Professor Dr. Elisa Fornalé was invited to participate, as a Swiss representative, by the Swiss Embassy at the Meeting of Mediterranean territories for climate action, third edition of MEDCOP, which took place over two days, on 23 and 22 June 2023, in the city of Tangier. With the participation of more than 500 key players of climate change subject: The structure of the MEDCOP was articulated around thematic hubs, B2B spaces, trainings, and exhibition spaces with additional events related to a competition to select best climate pilot projects that could be supported.
Concept note

Equal and Inclusive Representation of Women in Decision-Making Systems: A discussion on the Forthcoming Cedaw´S General Recommendation (21 April 2023)

SNSF Professor Dr. Elisa Fornalé participated in a breakfast meeting titled "Equal and Inclusive Representation of Women in Decision-Making Systems: A discussion on the Forthcoming Cedaw´S General Recommendation" organized by OSCE Documentation Centre in Prague, the Institute of International Relations in Prague and the World Trade Institute of the University of Bern on 21 April 2023 at OSCE Documentation Centre in Prague - Náměstí Borise Němcova 529/2 - 160 00 Prague.

Women’s Empowerment and its Limits: Interdisciplinary and Transnational Perspectives Toward Sustainable Progress (18 April 2023)

SNSF Professor Dr. Elisa Fornalé and Dr Federica Cristani, presented their edited book entitled "Women’s Empowerment and its Limits: Interdisciplinary and Transnational Perspectives Toward Sustainable Progress", on 18 April 2023 at Institute of International Relations Prague, Nerudova 257/3.

Dalla non discriminazione alle pari opportunità (8 March 2023)

Un itinerario di confronto, di ricerca e di sperimentazione di buone prassi a UNISA

SNSF Professor Dr. Elisa Fornalé, will speak at the international study conference on the occasion of International Women's Day on 8 March 2023, to be held at the "Aula Magna Vincenzo Buonocore", edificio A2 campus di Fisciano, Università degli Studi di Salerno.

MS Teams link

Equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems (23 February 2023)

SNSF Professor Dr. Elisa Fornalé and The GQUAL Campaign, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, have organised a conference entitled "Equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems" which was held on 23 February 2023 from 13.00 to 14.30 at Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (Cassese Room), Villa Moynier, Rue de Lausanne 120B, 1211 Geneva.

Half-day general discussion on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems (22 February 2023)

At its 84th session, which took place in Geneva from 6 to 24 February 2023, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women held a half-day of general discussion on “Equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems” within the framework of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. During the general discussion on 22 February 2023 SNSF Professor Dr. Elisa Fornalé submitted a written communication and and performed an oral intervention.
Download the written communication
event link

World Trade Congress on Gender: "Gender Equality for Sustainable Trade and Recovery" (5 - 7 December 2022)

Under the theme “Gender Equality for Sustainable Trade and Recovery”, the World Trade Congress on Gender took place at the WTO from 5 to 7 December to explore how gender equality can foster sustainable trade and how trade can support women in times of crisis. During the conference, SNSF Professor Dr. Elisa Fornalé spoke at the book launch: Women’s Empowerment and its Limits, held on 7 december at the Atrium.

Download the full program

Slow violence, gender, climate agency (5 December 2022)

New global crisis such as the COVID­19 pandemic, wars, economic crisis and climate disasters are ‘produced and mediated by existing gender inequalities and discriminatory gender norms across societies’ (EGM, 2021). This presentation explored the gendered dimension of climate change and, more generally, of slow violence. Some attention has been paid to the inclusion of a gender perspective in climate change issues. However, much less attention has been paid to women’s invisibility in the legal and political debate on climate change combined with other situations falling within the definition of slow violence. Slow violence may or may not lead to major disasters but has a disproportionate impact on women and girls. This has been largely overlooked by existing legal debates.

Full programme

The proposed EU directive on combating gender-based violence: towards greater protection of women in Europe? (28 November 2022)

On the occasion of the international day against violence against women, WTI's SNSF Professor Dr. Elisa Fornalé spoke at the conference "The proposed EU directive on combating gender-based violence: towards greater protection of women in Europe?". The conference took place from 9.30 to 13.30 at Dipartimento di Economia, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia(Italy) or online (Zoom).

Full programme

Gender and Climate Change: an update from the Sixty-Sixth Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (29 March 2022)

The occasion for the webinar was the work of the sixty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) which took place from 14 to 25 March 2022. The webinar provided an opportunity to discuss the key messages, challenges and opportunities that emerged from CSW66 and the priority theme: 'Achieving gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programmes'.
Professor Elisa Fornalé from SNSF focused on the human rights implications of the gender-environment nexus.

Gender, Identity & Politics: Representation, Exclusion and Vulnerability (11 November 2021)

Virtual Workshop hosted by University of Surrey.

SNSF Professor Dr. Elisa Fornalé held the keynote speech on the topic of “Unequal Participation: Clothing the Invisibility of Women at International Level”. In the first part of the workshop, scholars from Finland, Spain and Sweden will shed light on different aspects of Gender and Politics. In the second part of the workshop, scholars and and an attorney will talk about Crossing Borders and Vulnerability.

Unequal Participation: Clothing the Invisibility of Women at International Level

Work in Progress Gender Studies, University of Bern.

The GEM Project is funded under the grant No. 100011_200462/1 by the Swiss National Foundation Research.
© 2021 GEM. All Rights Reserved. Designed By JoomShaper, Website Realized By Francesco De Fino
The GEM Project is funded under the grant No. 100011_200462/1 by the Swiss National Foundation Research.
© 2021 GEM. All Rights Reserved. Designed By JoomShaper, Website Realized By Francesco De Fino